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In The Fight For Your Property Rights

Join US! In The Fight For Your Property Rights

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Learn how this precedent-setting event
impacts you and your investments. 

Subscribe and learn how this precedent-setting event impacts you and your investments.

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Our Immediate Action

With the stroke of a pen, in October 2023, the BC government stripped grandfathered property rights with ZERO compensation or regard to the impact on the owners. By retroactively altering Legal Non-Conforming (LNC) property statuses, this has degraded investments and eroded trust in the regulatory framework. This abrupt shift undermines the financial security of countless property owners.

If you have a property impacted by this BC Short-Term Accommodations Act (Bill 35) or are just concerned about government overreach and infringement of property rights, JOIN US!

With the stroke of a pen, in October 2023, the BC government stripped grandfathered property rights with ZERO compensation or regard to the impact on the owners. By retroactively altering Legal Non-Conforming (LNC) property statuses, this has degraded investments and eroded trust in the regulatory framework. This abrupt shift undermines the financial security of countless property owners.

If you have a property impacted by this BC Short-Term Accommodations Act (Bill 35) or are just concerned about government overreach and infringement of property rights, JOIN US!

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Our Mission

Property rights challenges
affect every owner

Our mission is to champion the rights of property owners across British Columbia, ensuring fair and transparent property laws. We are committed to promoting responsible ownership and safeguarding our members' investments, all while making positive contributions to the BC community.

The Members of Property Rights BC Believe in: 

  • ​The Power In Numbers: Provincial concerns that require unified action.
  • Fair Governance: Regulation is critical, but not without consultation of stakeholders. 
  • Equity: If your rights are removed or downgraded, compensation is required.
  • ​​Confidence: No one should wonder if they will change the rules on you after the fact. 

Our Mission

Property rights challenges
affect every owner.

Our mission is to champion the rights of property owners across British Columbia, ensuring fair and transparent property laws. We are committed to promoting responsible ownership and safeguarding our members' investments, all while making positive contributions to the BC community.

The Members of Property Rights BC Believe in: 

  • ​The Power In Numbers: Provincial concerns that require unified action.
  • Fair Governance: Regulation is critical, but not without consultation of stakeholders. 
  • Equity: If your rights are removed or downgraded, compensation is required.
  • ​​Confidence: No one should wonder if they will change the rules on you after the fact. 

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'BC Non-Conformer'

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Featured Categories

Letter Writing

Since the announcement of Bill 35 on October 16th, 2023, we've relentlessly pushed for change. Now, we invite you to join us. Amplify your voice. Start making a difference today. Influence those in power. Get involved now, and let's reshape the future together.

Instruction for:

City Councillors 

Members of Leg Assembly

Associations & Affected Groups

Internet Marketing

We have been engaged in non-stop letter writing since the news of Bill 35 broke on October 16th, 2023, and even though that Bill passed, we can still effect change. Find out who in power we are communicating with right now and how you can make a difference and get your voice heard.

Featured Item:

108 Proven Split Test Winners

Marketing Secrets Blackbook

Secrets Webinar Onepager


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lobortis lobortis enim, nec aliquet purus rhoncus sed. Pellentesque cursus auctor augue, non faucibus est varius in. Donec vitae purus odio. Fusce consectetur pulvinar sem quis tempus. 

Featured Item:

108 Proven Split Test Winners

Marketing Secrets Blackbook

Secrets Webinar Onepager


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lobortis lobortis enim, nec aliquet purus rhoncus sed. Pellentesque cursus auctor augue, non faucibus est varius in. Donec vitae purus odio. Fusce consectetur pulvinar sem quis tempus. 

Featured Item:

108 Proven Split Test Winners

Marketing Secrets Blackbook

Secrets Webinar Onepager


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lobortis lobortis enim, nec aliquet purus rhoncus sed. Pellentesque cursus auctor augue, non faucibus est varius in. Donec vitae purus odio. Fusce consectetur pulvinar sem quis tempus. Suspendisse vestibulum ultrices erat.

Etiam eu ligula at augue maximus ultricies. Proin ornare tristique ornare. Integer vel justo venenatis, vestibulum odio at, dapibus nulla. Morbi laoreet, dolor nec fringilla iaculis, augue tellus condimentum diam.

Integer vel justo venenatis, vestibulum odio at, dapibus nulla. Morbi laoreet, dolor nec fringilla iaculis, augue tellus condimentum diam.

Featured Event:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lobortis lobortis enim, nec aliquet purus rhoncus sed. Pellentesque cursus auctor augue, non faucibus est varius in. Donec vitae purus odio. Fusce consectetur pulvinar sem quis tempus. Suspendisse vestibulum ultrices erat.

Etiam eu ligula at augue maximus ultricies. Proin ornare tristique ornare. Integer vel justo venenatis, vestibulum odio at, dapibus nulla. Morbi laoreet, dolor nec fringilla iaculis, augue tellus condimentum diam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lobortis lobortis enim, nec aliquet purus rhoncus sed. Pellentesque cursus auctor augue, non faucibus est varius in. Donec vitae purus odio. Fusce consectetur pulvinar sem quis tempus. Suspendisse vestibulum ultrices erat.

Etiam eu ligula at augue maximus ultricies. Proin ornare tristique ornare. Integer vel justo venenatis, vestibulum odio at, dapibus nulla. Morbi laoreet, dolor nec fringilla iaculis, augue tellus condimentum diam.

Featured Software:

Property Rights BC is the trade name for WEST COAST ASSOCIATION OF PROPERTY RIGHTS.
​A British Columbia, Canada Registered Member-Funded Non-Profit Society.
​556B Pandora Ave. Victoria BC Canada