​Legal Challenge​

Property Rights Association of BC has been defending and advocating for the rights of lawfully operating short-term rental owners since Bill 35, s36 was introduced in October of 2023. Over the course of several months, we have made significant inroads within all levels of government.

We will continue our efforts towards collaboration and advocacy, but should this not prove successful, we all need to be prepared.

​We have a goal of March 1st to complete fund raising for legal challenge. A delay in funding completion will mean a delay in action. 


Legal Background: In October 2023 we began exploring our legal options and retained law firm Cox Taylor, leaders in property law to do the legal research into the B.C. government's new STR Act set to come into effect May 1, 2024.

​With that research complete, we are now raising the funds needed to move forward and challenge the STR Act on behalf of all of BC’s lawfully operating STR properties in the event that advocacy efforts are unsuccessful.

Legal Background: In October 2023 we began exploring our legal options and retained law firm Cox Taylor, leaders in property law to do the legal research into the B.C. government's new STR Act set to come into effect May 1, 2024.

​With that research complete, we are now raising the funds needed to move forward and challenge the STR Act on behalf of all of BC’s lawfully operating STR properties in the event that advocacy efforts are unsuccessful.

The Need



For Legal War Chest

The Ask

​Members are encouraged to give to their ability but the recommended amount for those who operate a single unit is $750.


Email Money Transfer (EMT) can be sent to:


2. Use the Donation Link and
contribute with your Credit Card.

The Ask

​Members are encouraged to give to their ability but the recommended amount for those who operate a single unit is $750.


Email Money Transfer (EMT) can be sent to:

2. Use the Donation Link and
contribute with your Credit Card.


EMT's are automatically deposited into bank account specifically designated for the legal fund​

If we are unsuccessful in raising
​the $150,000 then 100% of funds  will be returned to the sender.

Being a Member is required to contribute to the war chest. 

Right now, we are entirely focused on STRA Act, and every dollar generated from membership sign ups gets poured into efforts focused on returning your rights to lawfully operate your STR business. 


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Take a sneak peak insight

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What Our Buyers Are Saying!

Jane Doe


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John Doe


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Jane Doe


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Jane Doe


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John Doe


Molestie cras ullamcorper purus sit risus, commodo ut arcu orci lacus, odio luctus augue bibendum pharetra augue bibendum pharetra


Jane Doe


Molestie cras ullamcorper purus sit risus, commodo ut arcu orci lacus, odio luctus augue bibendum pharetra augue bibendum pharetra

Who should read this book?


  • Etiam at lobortis nisl. Curabitur orci diam
  • Ut accumsan facilisis felis at vehicula
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • ​​Diam donec adipiscing tristique

Full-time employees

  • Etiam at lobortis nisl. Curabitur orci diam
  • ​Phasellus et ante vel leo accumsan​
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • ​​Nulla luctus neque in dui tincidunt.


  • Etiam at lobortis nisl. Curabitur orci diam
  • Ut accumsan facilisis felis at vehicula
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • ​​Diam donec adipiscing tristique

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Benefits to Membership?

As a founding member, you'll receive priority access to events, insider information, and the opportunity to speak to and support our advocacy priorities.

​We are constantly building out new resources and expanding our offerings. The membership side of our webpage is next on our list, where you'll be able to access recordings, resources and educational material.

Is Property Rights BC A Real Organization?

Yes! Property Rights BC is a Legitimate Organization. Our official status is an Incorporated Member-Funded Non-Profit Society governed under the BC Society Act.
Property Rights BC is our trade name but you can find us and our bylaws registered as "West Coast Association for Property Rights." We have 8 very active board members that meet at least twice a week and 1 member liaison that make sure they don't miss a beat. 

​Fun Fact: When establishing the society, we made room in our bylaws for three more directors so we could grow the leadership from municipalities across the province. We look forward to welcoming other action-takers from other parts of BC in the near future.

How Many Paying Members Do You Have?

We have just over 200 monthly contributors and several hundred more have joined to participate in our free content. The good news is that people are becoming alive to the situation, and every day, a group hops down off the fence and gets invested. We have an aggressive goal of 686 members by the end of March 2024.
Many hands make light work and a HEAVY war chest.

Who Makes Up the Board of Directors?

We have a full page of bios you can find here and should shed some light on the leadership and how capable and competent this group of crusaders really is.

Can I Be Anonymous?

Yes, our member list is not public nor will it ever be for sale. You can engage in group communication as much or as little as you like. We understand some people are more in the public eye and discretion is paramount.

Can I Just Donate to the Cause?

You can. However, because we are a Member-Funded Non-Profit Society, our bylaws stipulate that the vast majority of our resources must come from members directly. But if you would like to contribute, you can do so here.

Do You Have Corporate Memberships?

Yes, this was designed to enable property managers, and hosting companies and the like join in fight. Several management companies have joined and contributed based on the self reported size of their companies.

If you are interested in this, please contact me here, and we will build a membership that is right for you.

Are You Representing the Interests of All BC or Just Victoria?

No! The STRA Act is a provincial-wide extinction event; this is not a local issue. If we are to be successful in defending our lawful property rights then it will come in the form of amendments or revisions of the Act itself, which will affect all lawful STR operators of BC.

We understand how people could have this assumption; the bulk of our current members and directors are owners in Victoria BC. At this time we are actively working with leaders from other municipalities to ensure everyone has a voice.

We were founded here in Victoria and several directors call it home but make no mistake we have directors with property in several other jurisdictions that are also affected by STRA Act. We are here to defend the rights of lawful operators across this province.

Property Rights BC Appearing in the following publications:


Property Rights BC Appearing in the following publications:


Property Rights BC is the trade name for WEST COAST ASSOCIATION OF PROPERTY RIGHTS.
​A British Columbia Registered Member-Funded Non-Profit Society.

Property Rights BC is the trade name for WEST COAST ASSOCIATION OF PROPERTY RIGHTS.
​A British Columbia, Canada Registered Member-Funded Non-Profit Society.
​556B Pandora Ave. Victoria BC Canada