Property Rights BC Resource Page

Property Rights Association of BC

New and must watch videos. 

Did you know that taxes from STRs fund affordable housing projects? Here's how LEGAL STR's help affordable housing. 

What are Victoria's non-conforming use short-term rentals? A historical explanation of this unique zoning and policy changes.

BC's New STR Legislation: Short Term Rental Accommodations Act (STRAA)

Preserving Property Rights: The Impact of Bill 35 on Legal Non-Conforming Use in BC

The Dangers of Bill 35: How It Will Hurt Affordable Housing & Erode
Property Rights in BC

Unveiling the Damage: How Bill 35 and Victoria's Decisions Affect Property Rights and Livelihoods

Director Presentations: Addressing Victoria City Council

Orion Rodgers Presents to Victoria BCs City Council Advocating for Property Rights Amidst
Bill 35 Changes.

"A Plea for Fairness"
Ryan Sawatzky Addressing Victoria Council's On Their Proposed
STR License Fee Hike.​

"The Unintended Tourism Fallout"
Lea Cathcart's Expert Delivery To Victoria City Council
on Nov 23rd 2023. 

Podcasts & Interviews

Orion Rodgers, Property Rights BC Spokesperson, speaks with Adam Stirling on C-Fax 1070 about the organization voicing concerns with the new Short Term Rental Accommodations Act.

John Alexander, of Cox Taylor Lawyers, speaks with Adam Serling of C-Fax 1070 and provides expert insight on the laws being purposed to address short term rentals.

Victoria's Short Term Rental (STR) and Legal Non-Conforming (LNC) Data Decks

Property Rights BC is the trade name for WEST COAST ASSOCIATION OF PROPERTY RIGHTS.
​A British Columbia, Canada Registered Member-Funded Non-Profit Society.
​556B Pandora Ave. Victoria BC Canada